Thursday 10 March 2011

Random Rant - So many games so little time. -

Posted by Hall0606 On Thursday, March 10, 2011 0 comments

Games, games so many games so little time.
It’s hard being a gamer these days as every month it seems like we have 2 – 4 great titles coming out along with other decent games that may also grab your attention. I mean look at February we hand Marvel Vs Capcom 3 and Killzone 3 and In March we have Pokemon, Dragon Age 2, and the 3DS with its launch line-up it’s just crazy. As you can see the pile of games continues to grow with more and more games being released every month.

In the past I would say My favourite genre of games is RPG but there are so many games from other genres that have interested me that I find it hard to sit down and complete an RPG to the end. Simply because they can go on for over 40 hours and within that time a number of other games would have passed me by. Today I would so I have no preferred genre of game in fact I like most game genres. Unfortunately if you’re like me then you know you’re screwed. You’re either the gamer without money that will miss out on most titles or you’re the gamer with money that will end up with more games than they can actually get through.

Back in the Playstation and N64 era I didn’t have such a problem has I didn’t have that much money to spend so I had to really pick and choose which games I planned on picking up. Most of which were titles that were hitting the 90% range in gaming magazine reviews like GamesMater. Internet wasn’t much back then not like it is now with gaming websites such as Gamespot and IGN offering not just written reviews but also video reviews allowing you to see the game in motion before forking over the cash to get it. Not to mention the thousands of gameplay videos on YouTube being uploaded by many other gamers. Let’s not forget the N64 was a cartridge based system and the prices for games especially the top N64 games like Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and Donkey Kong 64 were ridiculously high priced compared to the prices of today. At the same time it meant I could complete games over and over to my heart’s content till I had saved up enough money to get another game. Hell I remember fully completing Goldeneye on all difficulties and unlocking all levels and weapons before the in-game command cheats were discovered. However there were also a lot of games I never got to play on the N64 and not to mention back then I never owned a Playstation so there were many games I missed there too. Let’s just say that my gaming collection was pretty small back then but manageable.

The game industry has changed over the years there are gaming advertisements all over the place and there are more games being developed than ever before. With the power of the internet and high quality videos that cause your brain to explode with excitement as you say to yourself I’m getting that game only to see another video of a different game and say the same thing over and over and over. There are so many fantastic games these days being made its hard to get through them all unless you don’t have a life and when I say don’t have a life I mean all you do is wash, eat, and play games. I’m now older and have money to do pretty much whatever I want with it but unfortunately the gaming industry is spewing out great titles like there’s no tomorrow. I have a PS3, XBOX 360, Wii, PSP, and DS not to mention past generation consoles. All these have great content and I've been buying a lot of the great content but alas I just don’t have the time to spend on all of it some games I haven’t even touched or finished not to mention there are some games I didn’t even know I had simply because it got buried under the pile you see above you.

This being a blog I’m going to have to continue this Random Rant some other time there are still so many things to say. Such as games with multiplayer, arcade releases, on demand, renting, trading services and not to mention re-released games and retro games to add to the mix.

Author: Hall0606
Meh!!! Bio about me what’s to know I’m a pure anime and gaming junkie nothing else matters. Never before have I ever written a gaming article, so this is pretty much a first time experience for me, so don’t blame me if things don’t turn out so good. “The Game is On” all though I’m only ever playing for fun. My favourite game genre is RPG but also enjoy First/Third person shooters, Hack and Slash and the occasional Beat ‘em up. Meh!!!


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