Saturday 19 February 2011

Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Rank Fights Part 1

Posted by Hall0606 On Saturday, February 19, 2011 0 comments

Marvel Vs Capcom 3 has been released and it brings all sorts of insane fighting styles. Once again you can team up Ryu, Wolverine and whoever else takes your fancy and go up against some of the world’s greatest super heroes and villains.

The game does play a little differently compared to the last Marvel Vs Capcom game. It’s a little more accessible than the last game to new comers, but still uses a four button layout with two additional assist buttons. In the previous game you had two weak buttons and two heavy buttons with medium only being pulled off with two presses of the weak punch button. In Marvel Vs Capcom 3 you have one light, one medium, one heavy attack and one special button, which will also act as the launcher to send your opponents into the air for some air combo action.

The roster has also been sizably reduced getting rid of clone characters and ones that are less known. But the game still boasts a roster of 30 plus characters with possibly even more to come.

Moving on the videos show first few rank fights I've had so far. I've been playing a number of player matches compared to rank matches. Mainly because the quick match option doesn’t get me much result apart from failed to join or some other connection issue, however simple turning on fight request in either training or arcade mode and waiting for a challenge to be found while playing netted better results. The first video contains my first three matches.

The first and second fight did contain some lag which was unfortunate but didn’t last long so the match was enjoyable. I stick with the team of Ryu, Deadpool, and Dante and so far they have worked out pretty well for me. Standard combos are pretty simple to pull off with the characters especially Dante’s combos, which can be very pushing and flashy to look at. At the moment a lot of people are new to the Marvel Vs Capcom so there aren’t many skilful players yet, but ones I've come up against so far are doing a lot more than I am.


Second video is a short one and only contains one match. We both use Dante as one of our characters in this match, which is always interesting to see how another player uses a character that’s the same as yours. This person also uses Chun-li and X-23 who both can be quite punishing Anyway it’s another decent beginner much for me and hopefully my skill will improve as time goes.


Author: Hall0606
Meh!!! Bio about me what’s to know I’m a pure anime and gaming junkie nothing else matters. Never before have I ever written a gaming article, so this is pretty much a first time experience for me, so don’t blame me if things don’t turn out so good. “The Game is On” all though I’m only ever playing for fun. My favourite game genre is RPG but also enjoy First/Third person shooters, Hack and Slash and the occasional Beat ‘em up. Meh!!!


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