Sunday 30 January 2011

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Manhunt Mayhem Part 3

Posted by Hall0606 On Sunday, January 30, 2011 0 comments

Once again one of my early matches which was far from decent. In the first round spent a lot of time running around and didn’t have much of a chance to hide. Second round didn’t go so well got a few kills but spent most of my time being stunned and not sticking with any of my other teammates, which was my biggest mistake. Sticking together as a team is the most important thing in these team based modes. Anyway this was properly one of worst matches in Manhunt and there wasn’t much excitement over the two rounds.


Now I do a lot better in this match then I did in my last. I start off hiding as always and get off to a decent start. I’m equipped with the morph and smoke bomb abilities and I hide amongst a group close to where I spawn and I activate the morph ability. One of my pursuers ends up killing a number of civilians before they finally kill me for the first time. I managed to spend a lot of time blending in with stationary groups in the first round. In the second round my team pretty much dominates the other team, which to be fair was pretty one sided since for most of this match it was four against two, but 2 other players do join in later to even things out. I manage to get the overachiever achievement in this match which is a great bonus.


Author: Hall0606
Meh!!! Bio about me what’s to know I’m a pure anime and gaming junkie nothing else matters. Never before have I ever written a gaming article, so this is pretty much a first time experience for me, so don’t blame me if things don’t turn out so good. “The Game is On” all though I’m only ever playing for fun. My favourite game genre is RPG but also enjoy First/Third person shooters, Hack and Slash and the occasional Beat ‘em up. Meh!!!


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