Friday 28 January 2011

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Manhunt Mayhem Part 2

Posted by Hall0606 On Friday, January 28, 2011 0 comments

Ok I haven’t updated this blog in some time so I thought I’d get back to putting my YouTube videos on the blog. I’ll start with transferring all the Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Multiplayer matches first.

Looking back on this early match it was pretty ok. I stick to my favourite abilities the disguise and smoke bomb. These two abilities I still use today I find them to be the most useful of any of the abilities. Oddly enough I have the lose streak perk extra precision, which is pretty useless in Manhunt I think when watching this video. Anyway it was still one of my early matches not a lot of kills but my team still takes the lead and I place second in my team at the end.


Yeah not one of best matches I make ay to many mistakes I think in this match. In this match I spend the first round not doing much mostly blending in collecting fifteen points for few minutes. Again not too many kills and stuns too in this match. At points in the second round I do kill the wrong target. One notable kill mistake was when I was on the roof top I waited too long before pressing the ‘X’ button and I end killing a civilian. What I should have done was lock on to my target so that it wouldn’t of switched. Anyway I’m not perfect just trying to enjoy the game and you have to make few mistakes if you ever what to learn anything right?    

Oh there is also a pretty funny part towards the end as one of targets jumps in to a stack of hay and then me and my team all jump in to kill him. Of course only one of us can get the kill but that guy in the hay was raped.


Author: Hall0606
Meh!!! Bio about me what’s to know I’m a pure anime and gaming junkie nothing else matters. Never before have I ever written a gaming article, so this is pretty much a first time experience for me, so don’t blame me if things don’t turn out so good. “The Game is On” all though I’m only ever playing for fun. My favourite game genre is RPG but also enjoy First/Third person shooters, Hack and Slash and the occasional Beat ‘em up. Meh!!!


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